Privacy Notice

There is no privacy policy for the general visitors of AGRIPARTSPEDIA. does not have a general privacy policy or terms of use. However, there is a "Membership Agreement" for users who are members of the site. For this reason, although the practices related to users who are members of AGRIPARTSPEDIA are explained in this contract, there is no information about the users of AGRIPARTSPEDIA services without membership (and therefore without accepting this contract).
AGRIPARTSPEDIA collects your information about your inventory, your IP address, and the pages you visit within the site.
AGRIPARTSPEDIA can use the personal information of its members to work towards the user's specific preferences and interests to "provide a better service to its users". Some information, such as the name and IP address of the Internet service provider used to access the site in this frame, the date and time the site was accessed, the pages accessed at the time the site was accessed, and the address of the Internet site that provides direct access to the site.
AGRIPARTSPEDIA uses your personal and shopping information for advertising purposes and shares it with other subsidiary companies
As a rule in the membership and supplier contract, "AGRIPARTSPEDIA does not keep the personal information and data obtained from the consumer secretly and share it with the third persons", but it makes a very extensive list and says that in this case, you allow your data to be used and archived by all the companies that have participated in AGRIPARTSPEDIA. At the same time, members, internet, phone, SMS, etc. It is accepted that they allow the contact to be contacted through the communication channels.
A member who does not want to share the data and does not allow communication for advertising can transmit this request to the customer service
Members may make a declaration contrary to the provision of the above-mentioned article. If you want to give up e-mail and / or SMS, it is possible to do it from the member page on the site. To change the data sharing preferences, it is necessary to reach the customer service of AGRIPARTSPEDIA and transmit the request.
The backstop can share your data with third parties without a court order.
AGRIPARTSPEDIA indicates that it may share personal data to comply with legal requirements. It may also disclose your data in cases where it is in good faith that it is necessary to protect and defend the rights of its employees and managers
AGRIPARTSPEDIA users are responsible for all damages incurred due to incorrect information they provide
Users are committed to the accuracy of the personal information they provide when subscribing to the website and agree that they will compensate for any damages that AGRIPARTSPEDIA will receive due to the untruth.
Your inventory, user account, and information can be unilaterally cleansed.
AGRIPARTSPEDIA unilaterally reserves the right to delete the member's membership and delete the customer's files, documents, and information.
AGRIPARTSPEDIA does not inform users about contract amendments.
The AGRIPARTSPEDIA notes that the conditions of the membership and supplier contract can always be changed unilaterally "without any prior notice and / or without any prior notice". It is stated in the agreement that the amended provisions will be in force for all members at the time of publication.