Terms Of Service

1. TERMS OF USE https://www.agripartspedia.com/ internet site (hereinafter the "Portal") shall visit and "member" in this "Terms of Use" as you read, the contents completely understood, "Terms of Use" outlined in the "Portal" well located and when all the issues will take place in indifferent and that you accept unconditionally, "Portal" also agree not to assert any objection and defense of all matters mentioned declaration and you are committed. If you do not accept these terms, please refer to "Portal" and discontinue use.
1.1. This "portal" owner is Knt Otomotiv Sanayi ve Ticaret Limited Şirketi at the resident "Mimarsinan Mah.Üsküdar Caddesi No:1 Yedpa Ticaret Merkezi G-211 Ataşehir / Istanbul / Türkiye" (abbreviated to" AGRIPARTSPEDIA as "hereinafter) Portal "is also offered and these" Terms of Use "of the 3 specified in Article services," AGRIPARTSPEDIA" is provided.
1.2. "AGRIPARTSPEDIA" present "Terms of Use" of "Portal" means any information and is situated "Content", "USER" or you can change at any time without any notice or notification. These changes periodically "PORTAL" will be published and will be valid on the date of publication. "PORTAL" by paying a certain price of the service or transferring the benefit of or in any way "PORTAL" Every natural or legal person provides access to the "Terms of Use" and "AGRIPARTSPEDIA" this "Terms of Use" is deemed to have accepted all the amendments made. This "Terms of Use" published on the website; "PORTAL" access by any natural or legal person is made possible using heat.

2. DEFINITIONS "Portal": Refers to the website www.AGRIPARTSPEDIA.com, including all subdomains associated with the domain "AGRIPARTSPEDIA" and the "Services" provided through the website.
"User": Any natural or legal person who accesses the "Portal."
"Member": A "User" who has registered with the "Portal" and benefits from the services as outlined in this Agreement.
"Membership": The status granted to a "User" who wishes to become a "Member" by correctly filling out the membership form on the "Portal" with accurate information. This status is confirmed once "AGRIPARTSPEDIA" approves the application. The "Member" does not acquire any rights or authority beyond those granted by this agreement. The rights and obligations associated with "Membership" are non-transferable to any third party, either partially or entirely. "AGRIPARTSPEDIA" reserves the right to reject any membership application or request additional terms and conditions without providing a reason. If necessary, "AGRIPARTSPEDIA" may terminate a "Member’s" status at any time. Once terminated, reapplication for "Membership" may not be accepted.
"AGRIPARTSPEDIA Supplier Account": The account created by the "Supplier" on the Portal to conduct business and transactions as required to use the services offered. This account allows the "Supplier" to update their information, view reports related to the services, and access personalized web pages. The account is accessible only by the "Supplier" using their unique "username" and "password."
"AGRIPARTSPEDIA Services" ("Service"): The services provided on the "Portal" that allow "Members" to conduct transactions, as outlined in this Agreement. "AGRIPARTSPEDIA" reserves the right to modify or adjust the services at any time. Members are required to comply with any updated terms and conditions, which will take effect on the date they are published on the "Portal."
"Content": All information, text, files, images, videos, and other visual or textual elements published on the "Portal."
"AGRIPARTSPEDIA Interface": The interface through which "Members" and "Suppliers" can view and interact with content on the "Portal." The interface is used to query the "AGRIPARTSPEDIA Database" and is protected under Law No. 5846 on Intellectual and Artistic Works. All intellectual property rights related to the interface belong to "AGRIPARTSPEDIA." The interface is designed to enable transactions through internet pages.
"AGRIPARTSPEDIA Database": The database that stores, classifies, and organizes the content on the "Portal." It is protected under Law No. 5846 on Intellectual and Artistic Works, and all intellectual property rights belong to "AGRIPARTSPEDIA."

3. AGRIPARTSPEDIA SERVICES 3.1. "AGRIPARTSPEDIA" enables "Users" to view the content uploaded to the "AGRIPARTSPEDIA Database" by "Members" and "Suppliers" using the platform's interface.
3.2. "AGRIPARTSPEDIA" and the "Portal" offer various types of services that prioritize the display of classified ads from "Suppliers" to provide easier access for "Users" to relevant offers.
3.3. The "Portal" provides reporting services across different categories to facilitate transactions.
3.4. "AGRIPARTSPEDIA" reserves the right to add new services, modify existing ones, or restrict third-party access to content on the "Portal" at any time, without notice. It may also remove content as needed.

4. TERMS AND LIABILITIES RELATED TO THE PORTAL 4.1. "Users" agree to conduct transactions on the "Portal" only for lawful purposes. They accept full civil and criminal responsibility for their actions on the platform and release "AGRIPARTSPEDIA" from any liability related to their activities.
4.2. The "Portal" displays content uploaded by "Members" and "Suppliers" to the "AGRIPARTSPEDIA Database." However, "AGRIPARTSPEDIA" does not guarantee the accuracy, legality, or reliability of any ads or content displayed by "Users" or "Members." As a result, "AGRIPARTSPEDIA" is not responsible for any damages caused by this content, and "Users" agree not to hold "AGRIPARTSPEDIA" liable.
4.3. "Users" agree not to reproduce, copy, distribute, or process any images, text, audio, video clips, files, databases, catalogs, or lists found on the "Portal" for commercial purposes. Such actions would constitute unfair competition and are strictly prohibited.
4.4. "Users" are prohibited from engaging in activities on the "Portal" that may lead to unfair competition under Turkish Commercial Law, damage the reputation or rights of third parties, or violate intellectual property rights, public order, or moral standards.
4.5. Information accessed on the "Portal" must only be used for non-commercial purposes and within the scope of the agreement between the "Supplier" and "AGRIPARTSPEDIA."
4.6. In compliance with Law No. 5651, "AGRIPARTSPEDIA" holds a "Location Provider Certificate." Accordingly, it is required to log and store "User" data related to their activities on the "Portal" for legal purposes.
4.7. "AGRIPARTSPEDIA" reserves the right to use, process, share, disclose, classify, and store user information in a database for marketing, communication, and statistical purposes. It may also use information such as IP addresses, browsing history, and visit durations for research or advertising purposes.
4.8. For online behavioral advertising, "AGRIPARTSPEDIA" may use cookies to track user behavior on the "Portal" and offer personalized messages or promotions. Cookies may also be used for targeted advertising in collaboration with third parties such as Google.
4.9. Content accessed through the "Portal" is for display purposes only and must comply with the "Terms of Use." Unauthorized access or use of the content is illegal, and "AGRIPARTSPEDIA" reserves the right to take legal action.
4.10. "AGRIPARTSPEDIA" strictly prohibits the use of its database, content, or advertising information for purposes such as copying, modifying, or transferring data to third parties without consent. Any attempt to bypass these restrictions is illegal.
4.11. Unauthorized use of automated tools, such as bots or spiders, to access or manipulate the "Portal" is prohibited. Any violation of these terms may result in legal action, and "AGRIPARTSPEDIA" reserves the right to report such violations to authorities.
4.12. "AGRIPARTSPEDIA" is not liable for any direct or indirect damages caused by interruptions, delays, data loss, or failures in the services provided by the "Portal."

5. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS All elements of the "Portal" (including, but not limited to, the "AGRIPARTSPEDIA Database," "AGRIPARTSPEDIA Interface," design, text, images, HTML code, and other code) are protected under copyright laws. These materials either belong to "AGRIPARTSPEDIA" or are used under license from third parties. "Users" do not have the right to manipulate, reproduce, share, distribute, or allow third-party access to "AGRIPARTSPEDIA" services, information, or works without explicit permission. Unless expressly authorized, "Users" may not modify, distribute, or create derivative works from any content subject to copyright on the "Portal." All rights to the "AGRIPARTSPEDIA" name, trademarks, and intellectual property are reserved by "AGRIPARTSPEDIA."

6. AMENDMENTS TO THE TERMS OF USE "AGRIPARTSPEDIA" reserves the right to unilaterally modify these "Terms of Use" at any time by announcing the changes on the "Portal." Any amendments will take effect on the date they are published. "Users" cannot make unilateral changes to these "Terms of Use."

7. FORCE MAJEURE In all instances considered as force majeure, "AGRIPARTSPEDIA" shall not be held liable for any delay, incomplete performance, or non-performance of its obligations. "Force majeure" refers to any event beyond the reasonable control of the affected party that could not have been prevented despite due care. This includes but is not limited to, natural disasters, wars, fires, strikes, riots, civil unrest, severe weather conditions, infrastructure or internet failures, system improvements or repairs, and power outages.

8. GOVERNING LAW AND JURISDICTION The application and interpretation of these "Terms of Use" shall be governed by the laws of Turkey, excluding its conflict of law rules. If a foreign element is involved in the legal relationship, Turkish law will still apply. Any disputes arising from these "Terms of Use" will be resolved in the Central Courts and Execution Offices of Istanbul.

9. EFFECTIVENESS AND ACCEPTANCE These "Terms of Use" become effective on the date they are published on the "Portal" by "AGRIPARTSPEDIA." By using the "Portal," "Users" acknowledge and accept these "Terms of Use" and any future amendments.